===> Building for ups-nut-2.8.2
=> Fixing manpage .so references.
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/adelsystem_cbi.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/al175.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/apc_modbus.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/apcsmart-old.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/apcsmart.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/apcupsd-ups.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/asem.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/bcmxcp.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/bcmxcp_usb.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/belkin.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/belkinunv.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/bestfcom.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/bestfortress.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/bestuferrups.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/bestups.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/blazer_ser.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/blazer_usb.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/clone.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/dummy-ups.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/etapro.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/everups.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/gamatronic.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/generic_gpio.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/generic_modbus.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/genericups.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/hosts.conf.5".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/huawei-ups2000.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/isbmex.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/ivtscd.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/libnutclient.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/libnutclient_commands.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/libnutclient_devices.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/libnutclient_general.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/libnutclient_misc.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/libnutclient_tcp.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/libnutclient_variables.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/libupsclient-config.1".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/liebert-esp2.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/liebert.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/macosx-ups.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/masterguard.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/metasys.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/mge-shut.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/mge-utalk.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/microdowell.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/microsol-apc.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/netxml-ups.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nut-driver-enumerator.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nut-ipmipsu.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nut-recorder.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nut-scanner.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nut.conf.5".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_authenticate.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_destroy.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_device_forced_shutdown.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_device_login.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_device_master.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_execute_device_command.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_get_device_command_description.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_get_device_commands.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_get_device_description.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_get_device_num_logins.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_get_device_rw_variables.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_get_device_variable_description.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_get_device_variable_values.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_get_device_variables.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_get_devices.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_has_device.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_has_device_command.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_has_device_variable.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_logout.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_set_device_variable_value.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_set_device_variable_values.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_tcp_create_client.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_tcp_disconnect.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_tcp_get_timeout.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_tcp_is_connected.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_tcp_reconnect.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutclient_tcp_set_timeout.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutconf.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutdrv_atcl_usb.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutdrv_qx.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutdrv_siemens_sitop.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutscan.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutscan_add_commented_option_to_device.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutscan_add_device_to_device.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutscan_add_option_to_device.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutscan_cidr_to_ip.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutscan_display_parsable.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutscan_display_sanity_check.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutscan_display_sanity_check_serial.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutscan_display_ups_conf.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutscan_display_ups_conf_with_sanity_check.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutscan_free_device.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutscan_get_serial_ports_list.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutscan_init.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutscan_new_device.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutscan_scan_avahi.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutscan_scan_eaton_serial.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutscan_scan_ipmi.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutscan_scan_nut.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutscan_scan_nut_simulation.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutscan_scan_snmp.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutscan_scan_usb.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutscan_scan_xml_http_range.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/nutupsdrv.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/oneac.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/optiups.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/phoenixcontact_modbus.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/pijuice.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/powercom.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/powerman-pdu.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/powerpanel.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/rhino.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/richcomm_usb.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/riello_ser.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/riello_usb.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/safenet.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/sms_ser.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/snmp-ups.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/sockdebug.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/socomec_jbus.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/solis.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/tripplite.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/tripplite_usb.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/tripplitesu.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/ups.conf.5".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upsc.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upscli_add_host_cert.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upscli_cleanup.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upscli_connect.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upscli_disconnect.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upscli_fd.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upscli_get.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upscli_init.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upscli_list_next.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upscli_list_start.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upscli_readline.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upscli_readline_timeout.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upscli_sendline.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upscli_sendline_timeout.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upscli_splitaddr.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upscli_splitname.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upscli_ssl.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upscli_strerror.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upscli_upserror.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upsclient.3".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upscmd.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upscode2.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upsd.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upsd.conf.5".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upsd.users.5".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upsdrvctl.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upsdrvsvcctl.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upsimage.cgi.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upslog.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upsmon.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upsmon.conf.5".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upsrw.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upssched.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upssched.conf.5".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upsset.cgi.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upsset.conf.5".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upsstats.cgi.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/upsstats.html.5".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/usbhid-ups.8".
INFO: [subst.mk:man-so] Nothing changed in "docs/man/victronups.8".
Making all in include
NUT_VERSION: "2.8.2"
test -f "nut_version.h" || cp "nut_version.h.tmp" "nut_version.h"
cmp -s "nut_version.h.tmp" "nut_version.h" || cp "nut_version.h.tmp" "nut_version.h"
rm -f "nut_version.h.tmp"
/opt/pkg/bin/bmake  all-am
Making all in common
/opt/pkg/bin/bmake  all-am
  CC       libcommonclient_la-state.lo
  CC       libcommonclient_la-str.lo
  CC       parseconf.lo
CC       libcommon_la-state.lo
CC       libcommon_la-str.lo
  CC       libcommon_la-upsconf.lo
  CXX      libnutconf_la-nutconf.lo
  CXX      libnutconf_la-nutstream.lo
  CXX      libnutconf_la-nutwriter.lo
  CXX      libnutconf_la-nutipc.lo
  CCLD     libparseconf.la
  CC       libcommon_la-common.lo
  CC       libcommonclient_la-common.lo
  CCLD     libcommon.la
  CCLD     libcommonclient.la
  CXXLD    libnutconf.la
Making all in clients
`libcommon.la' is up to date.
`libparseconf.la' is up to date.
  CC       upsc.o
`libcommonclient.la' is up to date.
  CC       upslog.o
  CC       upsrw.o
  CC       upscmd.o
  CC       upsmon.o
  CC       upssched.o
CC       upsclient.lo
  CXX      nutclient.lo
  CXX      nutclientmem.lo
  CCLD     upssched
  CCLD     libupsclient.la
  CXXLD    libnutclient.la
  CCLD     upsc
  CCLD     upscmd
  CCLD     upslog
  CCLD     upsmon
  CCLD     upsrw
CXXLD    libnutclientstub.la
Making all in conf
Making all in data
Making all in html
Making all in docs
Making all in man
Not (re)building nut.conf.5 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building ups.conf.5 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upsd.conf.5 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upsd.users.5 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upsmon.conf.5 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upssched.conf.5 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutupsdrv.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nut-driver-enumerator.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upsc.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upscmd.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upsd.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upsdrvctl.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upsdrvsvcctl.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upslog.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upsmon.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upsrw.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upssched.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nut-scanner.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nut-recorder.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutconf.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upsclient.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upscli_add_host_cert.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upscli_cleanup.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upscli_connect.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upscli_disconnect.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upscli_fd.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upscli_get.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upscli_init.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upscli_list_next.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upscli_list_start.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upscli_readline.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upscli_sendline.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upscli_splitaddr.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upscli_splitname.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upscli_ssl.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upscli_strerror.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upscli_upserror.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building libnutclient.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building libnutclient_commands.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building libnutclient_devices.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building libnutclient_general.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building libnutclient_misc.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building libnutclient_tcp.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building libnutclient_variables.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutscan.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutscan_scan_snmp.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutscan_scan_usb.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutscan_scan_xml_http_range.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutscan_scan_nut.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutscan_scan_nut_simulation.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutscan_scan_avahi.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutscan_scan_ipmi.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutscan_scan_eaton_serial.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutscan_display_sanity_check.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutscan_display_sanity_check_serial.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutscan_display_ups_conf_with_sanity_check.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutscan_display_ups_conf.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutscan_display_parsable.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutscan_cidr_to_ip.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutscan_new_device.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutscan_free_device.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutscan_add_option_to_device.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutscan_add_device_to_device.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutscan_get_serial_ports_list.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutscan_init.3 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building sockdebug.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building al175.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building apcsmart.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building apcsmart-old.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building bcmxcp.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building belkin.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building belkinunv.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building bestfortress.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building bestuferrups.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building bestups.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building bestfcom.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building blazer_ser.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building clone.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building dummy-ups.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building etapro.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building everups.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building gamatronic.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building genericups.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building isbmex.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building ivtscd.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building liebert.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building liebert-esp2.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building masterguard.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building metasys.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building mge-shut.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building mge-utalk.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building oneac.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building microdowell.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building microsol-apc.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutdrv_siemens_sitop.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building optiups.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building powercom.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building powerpanel.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building rhino.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building riello_ser.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building sms_ser.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building safenet.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building solis.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building tripplite.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building tripplitesu.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building upscode2.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building victronups.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building apcupsd-ups.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building nutdrv_qx.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
Not (re)building macosx-ups.8 manual page, since 'asciidoc', 'xmllint' or 'xsltproc' were not found.
touch upscli_readline_timeout.3
touch upscli_sendline_timeout.3
touch nutclient_execute_device_command.3
touch nutclient_get_device_command_description.3
touch nutclient_get_device_commands.3
touch nutclient_has_device_command.3
touch nutclient_get_device_description.3
touch nutclient_get_devices.3
touch nutclient_has_device.3
touch nutclient_destroy.3
touch nutclient_authenticate.3
touch nutclient_logout.3
touch nutclient_device_login.3
touch nutclient_get_device_num_logins.3
touch nutclient_device_master.3
touch nutclient_device_forced_shutdown.3
touch nutclient_tcp_create_client.3
touch nutclient_tcp_disconnect.3
touch nutclient_tcp_get_timeout.3
touch nutclient_tcp_is_connected.3
touch nutclient_tcp_reconnect.3
touch nutclient_tcp_set_timeout.3
touch nutclient_get_device_rw_variables.3
touch nutclient_get_device_variable_description.3
touch nutclient_get_device_variables.3
touch nutclient_get_device_variable_values.3
touch nutclient_has_device_variable.3
touch nutclient_set_device_variable_value.3
touch nutclient_set_device_variable_values.3
touch nutscan_add_commented_option_to_device.3
Making all in cables
Making all in drivers
`libparseconf.la' is up to date.
`libcommonclient.la' is up to date.
`libupsclient.la' is up to date.
  CC       dummy_ups-dummy-ups.o
CC       main.lo
  CC       dstate.lo
  CC       upsdrvquery.lo
`libcommon.la' is up to date.
  CC       clone.o
  CC       serial.lo
  CC       clone-outlet.o
  CC       apcupsd_ups-apcupsd-ups.o
  CC       skel.o
  CC       al175.o
CC       bcmxcp.o
  CC       bcmxcp_ser.o
  CC       belkin.o
  CC       belkinunv.o
  CC       bestfcom.o
  CC       bestfortress.o
CC       bestuferrups.o
  CC       bestups.o
  CC       etapro.o
  CC       everups.o
  CC       gamatronic.o
  CC       genericups.o
  CC       isbmex.o
  CC       liebert.o
  CC       liebert-esp2.o
  CC       masterguard.o
  CC       metasys.o
  CC       mge-utalk.o
  CC       microdowell.o
  CC       microsol-apc.o
  CC       microsol-common.o
  CC       mge_shut-usbhid-ups.o
CC       mge_shut-libshut.o
  CC       mge_shut-libhid.o
  CC       mge_shut-hidparser.o
  CC       mge_shut-mge-hid.o
  CC       oneac.o
  CC       optiups.o
  CC       powercom.o
  CC       rhino.o
  CC       safenet.o
  CC       nutdrv_siemens_sitop.o
  CC       solis.o
  CC       tripplite.o
  CC       tripplitesu.o
  CC       upscode2.o
  CC       victronups.o
  CC       powerpanel.o
  CC       powerp-bin.o
  CC       powerp-txt.o
  CC       blazer.o
  CC       blazer_ser.o
  CC       ivtscd.o
  CC       apcsmart.o
  CC       apcsmart_tabs.o
  CC       apcsmart-old.o
CC       riello.o
  CC       riello_ser.o
  CC       sms_ser.o
  CC       nutdrv_qx-nutdrv_qx.o
  CC       nutdrv_qx-nutdrv_qx_bestups.o
  CC       nutdrv_qx-nutdrv_qx_blazer-common.o
  CC       nutdrv_qx-nutdrv_qx_masterguard.o
  CC       nutdrv_qx-nutdrv_qx_mecer.o
  CC       nutdrv_qx-nutdrv_qx_megatec.o
  CC       nutdrv_qx-nutdrv_qx_megatec-old.o
  CC       nutdrv_qx-nutdrv_qx_mustek.o
  CC       nutdrv_qx-nutdrv_qx_q1.o
  CC       nutdrv_qx-nutdrv_qx_voltronic.o
  CC       nutdrv_qx-nutdrv_qx_voltronic-qs.o
  CC       nutdrv_qx-nutdrv_qx_voltronic-qs-hex.o
  CC       nutdrv_qx-nutdrv_qx_zinto.o
  CC       nutdrv_qx-nutdrv_qx_hunnox.o
  CC       nutdrv_qx-nutdrv_qx_ablerex.o
  CC       macosx-ups.o
  CC       upsdrvctl.o
  CCLD     libdummy.la
CCLD     libdummy_upsdrvquery.la
  CCLD     libdummy_serial.la
  CCLD     apcupsd-ups
  CCLD     dummy-ups
  CCLD     macosx-ups
  CCLD     skel
  CCLD     upsdrvctl
  CCLD     al175
  CCLD     apcsmart
  CCLD     apcsmart-old
  CCLD     bcmxcp
  CCLD     belkin
  CCLD     belkinunv
  CCLD     bestfcom
  CCLD     bestfortress
  CCLD     bestuferrups
CCLD     bestups
  CCLD     blazer_ser
  CCLD     clone
  CCLD     clone-outlet
  CCLD     etapro
  CCLD     everups
  CCLD     gamatronic
  CCLD     genericups
  CCLD     isbmex
  CCLD     ivtscd
  CCLD     liebert
  CCLD     liebert-esp2
  CCLD     masterguard
  CCLD     metasys
  CCLD     mge-shut
  CCLD     mge-utalk
  CCLD     microdowell
  CCLD     microsol-apc
  CCLD     nutdrv_qx
  CCLD     nutdrv_siemens-sitop
  CCLD     oneac
  CCLD     optiups
  CCLD     powercom
  CCLD     powerpanel
  CCLD     rhino
  CCLD     riello_ser
  CCLD     safenet
  CCLD     sms_ser
  CCLD     solis
  CCLD     tripplite
  CCLD     tripplitesu
  CCLD     upscode2
  CCLD     victronups
Making all in tools
Making all in .
Making all in nut-scanner
Warning: Perl is not available.
Skipping the USB helper files regeneration in SRC dir.
Warning: Perl is not available.
Skipping the USB helper files regeneration in SRC dir.
test -s "serial.c" || ln -s -f "../../drivers/serial.c" "serial.c"
test -s "bcmxcp_ser.c" || ln -s -f "../../drivers/bcmxcp_ser.c" "bcmxcp_ser.c"
/opt/pkg/bin/bmake  all-am
`libcommonclient.la' is up to date.
Warning: Perl is not available.
Skipping the USB helper files regeneration in SRC dir.
Warning: Perl is not available.
Skipping the USB helper files regeneration in SRC dir.
NUT_VERSION: "2.8.2"
test -f "nut_version.h" || cp "nut_version.h.tmp" "nut_version.h"
cmp -s "nut_version.h.tmp" "nut_version.h" || cp "nut_version.h.tmp" "nut_version.h"
rm -f "nut_version.h.tmp"
  CC       libnutscan_la-scan_nut.lo
scan_nut.c:294:3: warning: 'sem_init' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
                sem_init(semaphore_scantype, 0, (unsigned int)max_threads_scantype);
/Applications/Xcode-13.4.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX12.3.sdk/usr/include/sys/semaphore.h:55:42: note: 'sem_init' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
int sem_init(sem_t *, int, unsigned int) __deprecated;
/Applications/Xcode-13.4.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX12.3.sdk/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h:204:40: note: expanded from macro '__deprecated'
#define __deprecated    __attribute__((__deprecated__))
scan_nut.c:558:3: warning: 'sem_destroy' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
/Applications/Xcode-13.4.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX12.3.sdk/usr/include/sys/semaphore.h:53:26: note: 'sem_destroy' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
int sem_destroy(sem_t *) __deprecated;
/Applications/Xcode-13.4.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX12.3.sdk/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h:204:40: note: expanded from macro '__deprecated'
#define __deprecated    __attribute__((__deprecated__))
2 warnings generated.
  CC       libnutscan_la-scan_nut_simulation.lo
  CC       libnutscan_la-scan_ipmi.lo
  CC       libnutscan_la-nutscan-device.lo
CC       libnutscan_la-nutscan-ip.lo
  CC       libnutscan_la-nutscan-display.lo
  CC       libnutscan_la-nutscan-init.lo
nutscan-init.c:155:2: warning: 'sem_init' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        sem_init(&semaphore, 0, (unsigned int)max_threads);
/Applications/Xcode-13.4.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX12.3.sdk/usr/include/sys/semaphore.h:55:42: note: 'sem_init' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
int sem_init(sem_t *, int, unsigned int) __deprecated;
/Applications/Xcode-13.4.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX12.3.sdk/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h:204:40: note: expanded from macro '__deprecated'
#define __deprecated    __attribute__((__deprecated__))
nutscan-init.c:394:2: warning: 'sem_destroy' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
/Applications/Xcode-13.4.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX12.3.sdk/usr/include/sys/semaphore.h:53:26: note: 'sem_destroy' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
int sem_destroy(sem_t *) __deprecated;
/Applications/Xcode-13.4.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX12.3.sdk/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h:204:40: note: expanded from macro '__deprecated'
#define __deprecated    __attribute__((__deprecated__))
2 warnings generated.
  CC       libnutscan_la-scan_usb.lo
  CC       libnutscan_la-scan_snmp.lo
  CC       libnutscan_la-scan_xml_http.lo
  CC       libnutscan_la-scan_avahi.lo
  CC       libnutscan_la-scan_eaton_serial.lo
  CC       libnutscan_la-nutscan-serial.lo
  CC       libnutscan_la-serial.lo
  CC       libnutscan_la-bcmxcp_ser.lo
  CC       nut_scanner-nut-scanner.o
nut-scanner.c:775:2: warning: 'sem_destroy' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
/Applications/Xcode-13.4.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX12.3.sdk/usr/include/sys/semaphore.h:53:26: note: 'sem_destroy' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
int sem_destroy(sem_t *) __deprecated;
/Applications/Xcode-13.4.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX12.3.sdk/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h:204:40: note: expanded from macro '__deprecated'
#define __deprecated    __attribute__((__deprecated__))
nut-scanner.c:798:2: warning: 'sem_init' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        sem_init(current_sem, 0, (unsigned int)max_threads);
/Applications/Xcode-13.4.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX12.3.sdk/usr/include/sys/semaphore.h:55:42: note: 'sem_init' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
int sem_init(sem_t *, int, unsigned int) __deprecated;
/Applications/Xcode-13.4.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX12.3.sdk/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h:204:40: note: expanded from macro '__deprecated'
#define __deprecated    __attribute__((__deprecated__))
nut-scanner.c:1053:2: warning: 'sem_destroy' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
/Applications/Xcode-13.4.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX12.3.sdk/usr/include/sys/semaphore.h:53:26: note: 'sem_destroy' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
int sem_destroy(sem_t *) __deprecated;
/Applications/Xcode-13.4.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX12.3.sdk/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h:204:40: note: expanded from macro '__deprecated'
#define __deprecated    __attribute__((__deprecated__))
3 warnings generated.
  CCLD     libnutscan.la
  CCLD     nut-scanner
Making all in nutconf
`libnutconf.la' is up to date.
`libcommonclient.la' is up to date.
`libnutscan.la' is up to date.
  CXX      nutconf-nutconf-cli.o
`libcommon.la' is up to date.
  CXXLD    nutconf
Warning: Perl is not available.
Skipping the USB helper files regeneration in SRC dir.
Making all in lib
Making all in scripts
Making all in augeas
Making all in devd
Making all in hotplug
Making all in installer
Making all in python
Making all in module
  PYPI  Generate PyPI module source
Making all in systemd
Making all in udev
Making all in ufw
Making all in Solaris
Making all in Windows
Making all in upsdrvsvcctl
Making all in server
`libparseconf.la' is up to date.
  CC       sockdebug.o
`libcommon.la' is up to date.
  CC       upsd-upsd.o
  CC       upsd-user.o
  CC       upsd-conf.o
  CC       upsd-netssl.o
  CC       upsd-sstate.o
  CC       upsd-desc.o
  CC       upsd-netget.o
  CC       upsd-netmisc.o
  CC       upsd-netlist.o
CC       upsd-netuser.o
  CC       upsd-netset.o
  CC       upsd-netinstcmd.o
  CCLD     sockdebug
  CCLD     upsd
Making all in tests
test -s "hidparser.c" || ln -s -f "../drivers/hidparser.c" "hidparser.c"
  CC       nuttimetest.o
`libcommon.la' is up to date.
  CCLD     nuttimetest
/opt/pkg/bin/bmake  all-recursive
Making all in .
Making all in NIT
cd /Users/pbulk/build/sysutils/ups-nut/work/nut-2.8.2/docs && /opt/pkg/bin/bmake  -s /Users/pbulk/build/sysutils/ups-nut/work/nut-2.8.2/docs/.prep-src-docs
`/Users/pbulk/build/sysutils/ups-nut/work/nut-2.8.2/docs/.prep-src-docs' is up to date.
cd /Users/pbulk/build/sysutils/ups-nut/work/nut-2.8.2/docs/man && /opt/pkg/bin/bmake  -s /Users/pbulk/build/sysutils/ups-nut/work/nut-2.8.2/docs/man/.prep-src-docs
`/Users/pbulk/build/sysutils/ups-nut/work/nut-2.8.2/docs/man/.prep-src-docs' is up to date.
cd /Users/pbulk/build/sysutils/ups-nut/work/nut-2.8.2/docs && /opt/pkg/bin/bmake  doc
cd /Users/pbulk/build/sysutils/ups-nut/work/nut-2.8.2/docs && /opt/pkg/bin/bmake  -s /Users/pbulk/build/sysutils/ups-nut/work/nut-2.8.2/docs/.prep-src-docs
`/Users/pbulk/build/sysutils/ups-nut/work/nut-2.8.2/docs/.prep-src-docs' is up to date.
cd /Users/pbulk/build/sysutils/ups-nut/work/nut-2.8.2/docs/man && /opt/pkg/bin/bmake  -s /Users/pbulk/build/sysutils/ups-nut/work/nut-2.8.2/docs/man/.prep-src-docs
`/Users/pbulk/build/sysutils/ups-nut/work/nut-2.8.2/docs/man/.prep-src-docs' is up to date.
cd /Users/pbulk/build/sysutils/ups-nut/work/nut-2.8.2/docs && /opt/pkg/bin/bmake  doc
*** Please use pkgtools/verifypc to sanity check dependencies.
=> Creating /Users/pbulk/build/sysutils/ups-nut/work/.rc.d/ups
=> Creating /Users/pbulk/build/sysutils/ups-nut/work/.rc.d/upskillpower
=> Creating /Users/pbulk/build/sysutils/ups-nut/work/.rc.d/upsdriver
=> Creating /Users/pbulk/build/sysutils/ups-nut/work/.rc.d/upsd
=> Creating /Users/pbulk/build/sysutils/ups-nut/work/.rc.d/upsmon
=> Creating /Users/pbulk/build/sysutils/ups-nut/work/.rc.d/upslog